School Project Entries 2019

Korea National University of Arts

Organising Uncertain Boundaries, Changdong Depot
Cryptograph technology manipulates the boundary between data and users by the way of sharing mathematical keys. Producing the uncertain numbers encour... read on
Sung O Yoo
A New Intersection
This project utilizes the urban and geological characteristic of the Seochon, which is composed of dense and loose urban fabrics, and change it to a n... read on
Hojin Lee
Common City of Autonomous Vehicle
Since cities are closely related to transportation, autonomous vehicles can change the relationship between people and the city. Autonomous driving re... read on
Jiyeong Kim
Sustainable Guild for Maker Wallah
There is a future where the on-demand platform dominates society. In an on-demand society, consumers have lost their right to buy products which match... read on
Yuno Cho