School Project Entries 2018

Mackintosh School of Architecture,

The Misinformation Ecosystem: A Post-Truth Heterotopia
A new reality is constructed within a self-regarding loop of hedonistic splendour. This landscape is a gift from the digital economy to a society that... read on
James Dalley
TRANS | plant
Prioritising our geo-political and ecological changes, TRANS|plant accommodates an expressive and eloquent way of addressing it; towards climate mitig... read on
Nichole-Ann Samson
The Glasgow Seed Library
The Glasgow Seed Library is a proposed horticultural resource housed within a redundant urban carpark. Within the building, heritage seeds are harvest... read on
William McRoberts
Towards a Productive Landscape
This thesis questions Madrid’s current unsustainable methods of waste recycling and food production within the urban environment. In response, the the... read on
Calum Ward