School Project Entries 2018

University of Hong Kong

Protests used to be violent or restrained, but in today’s Hong Kong, democratic expression is more carnivalesque, embracing entertainment and commerci... read on
Guangning Zhang
Another World between the Walls - Street Art Museum
A bare piece of land solely with a foodstuff cargo handling pier will be too boring, if not wasteful. A street art museum is to be built at a remote c... read on
Yin Ching Chan
An-Thai-trust Act (2018)
After WWII, Thailand was forced to sign 1946 Anglo-Thai Treaty (Article7), which prevented Thai Isthmus Canal’s construction. To ensure international ... read on
Jin-Yu George Guu
Landfill by Default
The exponentially growing amount of coastal waste is a global issue that should be recognise. The accumulation of waste is largely altering the landsc... read on
Hui Ching Prisca Ho